Kleronomia: Legacy and Inheritance. Studies on the Aegean Bronze Age in Honor of Jeffrey S. Soles
The 27 papers in this volume harken to the themes that Jeffrey Soles has influenced during his illustrious career in Aegean Bronze Age archaeology: ancestry, burial customs, religion, trade, jewelry, the development of the Minoan settlement of Mochlos in eastern Crete, and the rise and fall of the Minoan civilization.
Contents: Frontmatter. Part I. The Earliest Humans on Crete. 1. A Case of bioturbation at Damnoni Cave. Part II. Prepalatial Periods. 2. Silvery Weapons and Precious Jewelry: Early Minoan IB Metallurgy of East Crete. 3. New Beginnings: Occupation at Mochlos in the Early Minoan I Period. 4. House Tombs of the Prepalatial Period: Less House, More Tomb. 5. Gournia, Mochlos, and Petras: Arenas for Sociopolitical Competition with Similar Beginnings but Different Ends. Part III. Protopalatial to Neopalatial Periods. 6. What Do the Pots Say? Fine Ware Indicates Social Stratification in the Mirabello Region during Middle Minoan IIB. 7. On the Wings of Birds: Reflections on the Cut Style in Minoan Glyptic. 8. Sacred Minoan Columns? 9. Role of the Neopalatial Dagger in the Bay of Mirabello. 10. A Reexamination of the Minoan “Sacral Knot” Motif. 11. Possible Origins and Meaning of the Minoan Figure-of-Eight Shield. 12. Foundation Feasts in the Minoan Palace at Gournia, Crete. 13. A Minoan Mystery Vase Type. 14. Clay Vessels and Loomweights: Tracing Southeast Aegean Connections at Neopalatial Mochlos. 15. Prestige Goods, Foreign Knowledge, and Divine Practices: Giali Obsidian from Mochlos in Context. 16. Small but Meaningful: Beads in the Tombs around Pylos. 17. On the Egyptian Origins of the Minoan Sistrum. 18. A Peak Sanctuary for Gournia. 19. The Population and Depopulation of Late Minoan Crete. Part IV. Postpalatial Periods and Iron Age. 20. Minoan Stone Vases in Late Minoan IIIC Contexts. 21. New Thoughts on the Karphi Goddesses. 22. Memory and Place in Early Iron Age Graves at Kavousi Vronda, Crete. Part V. Minoans and their World. 23. Mochlos and Pseira: Contrasting Economic Trajectories during the Bronze Age. 24. Groundwater Geochemistry and Persistent Places of Water Ritual on Crete, Greece. 25. Minoan Harbors at Mochlos, Crete. 26. Veteran and Sacred Trees in Modern and Minoan Crete. 27. You Can Take the Potter Out of the Plain, but You Can’t Take the Plain Out of the Potter.
Hardback: 360 pp., 203 images in the text, 14 tables.
(Prehistory Monographs 61, INSTAP Academic Press, 2022)
ISBN 978-1-931534-28-4